Monday, November 21, 2011

Dietary needs in hospital

Last week I unfortunately ended up in hospital for a few days.  For the first time ever I was admitted to a private hospital, and while there are some remarkable differences in Victoria between private and public hospitals (don't even get me started on my views on this!), there were some amazing similarities!

On admission, I put on my form that I was on the Low FODMAP diet, and spelt out that basically meant I was "wheat free".  I get that it's a little bit different, and so thought a quick explanation might be a helpful thing.  I figured if it came with all the other things that I am not supposed to be eating I could pick and choose, but wheat is the one thing I seriously need to watch.

That request took 2 days to filter through the system anyway, the first two days meals contained mostly wheat-based products, and when it finally did "click" on the system this is what was served up for dinner:

According to the catering slip that comes with your meal, this is gluten free vegetables!!

I know I should be thankful for being able to eat when some are nil-by-mouth, and actually being thankful that I am given food to eat when many others in the world are experiencing famine or starvation - and I truly am thankful!

I also don't blame people for finding it hard to sometimes get their head around it all these days - what free, gluten free, lactose free, etc.  BUT I'd like to think that perhaps they're willing to give it their best shot!

Perhaps my next "job" should be giving dietary advice for those that provide catering!  :-)

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