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Saturday, 4 April 2009 1:50:16 PM
Food Musings
One of the few New Years' Resolutions that I made this year, was a promise to Hubby that I would endeavor to cook one new dish each week, either for lunch on a weekend when we were both home or for our evening dinner.
This resolution came about for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I get somewhat bored when I cook the same things over and over again, and while stir fries are a relatively new thing to Hubby they certainly aren't to me, and without fantastically new and exciting vegetables or new inspirations for tantalising sauces to bring out the flavour in the stir fry, I find that too many of them in a short period of time really doesn't inspire me. Secondly, over the years I've built up a lovely collection of good cookbooks through gifts from friends and family that really aren't used to their fullest potential (see exhibit A below):
Post script - 23rd August
Am very pleased to be able to say that apart from 1 week where I was away overseas for work, that since the beginning of the year I have been able to meet this target, and as a result we have had some really yummy cuisine this year!
Of course I also should confess that as a reward for keeping on track with the new project, that I have justified (to myself) the purchase of another couple of recipe books along the way - BUT I do so now knowing that they will be put to good use, and are not just sitting on the bookshelf!
Hi, thanks for following my blog. Love your template. Hope you have been having fun with your meal cooking. Lovely blog title too!